14, 2013
I entered College Composition, I was a little bit scared to be honest. I wasn’t
sure exactly what we were going to be learning, or what we were going to be
writing about. The big college word really dispersed some fear amongst me and
most of my classmates as we walked in for the first day in January. I however
was quick to learn that it would be one of the most low-key, yet productive
classes that I have taken throughout high school.
what my friends had told me about College Comp, I still had no idea what to
expect. All I could think about was the extensive amount of homework I would
have in the second half of my senior year, as many of my classmates were
thinking as well. My friends had told me that it was nothing to worry about,
and that Mrs. Basko leveled out the course so you never really had too much
work at one time, and were still able to grasp the concepts she was teaching without
having to bend over backwards to learn the material.
the course unfolded throughout the semester, I soon came to find out exactly what
I was enrolled in, and how much it was really helping me. As I mentioned before,
I really expected to have a lot of homework, with hard grading on ‘College
composition’. This fear was quickly put down because we were taught a bunch of
new material, such as strategies, then given example of different kinds of writing,
and then told to go out and write our own paper using that strategy. This
process made it so much easier for our class, because by the time it came to
writing our paper, we had so much background information on that type of
writing, and examples that all we had to do was sit down and simply put our
thoughts on paper.
first couple of weeks we simply learned about the different types of writing (definition,
exemplification, narrative, dominant impression etc.). I usually don’t take to
many notes in class, but this class was one place where I found it almost
essential to take notes. Not only did it make the process of writing our
different pieces throughout the year easier, but will allow me in the future to
look back while in college and be able to know the different skills used in
each technique.
the different pieces we wrote, we were given several examples of topics and
forms to write in. As we highlighted each paper for different techniques used, we
were able to see how real life authors and writers used these same techniques
in their papers. We would highlight all the different writing styles, and
different techniques used to back up their topic. We then used these examples
in our own pieces.
of the biggest things I always have struggled with when it comes to writing is
trying to find a topic that not only I feel comfortable writing about, but also
that I can really expand upon. Usually I will pick a topic and end up hitting a
dead end. One of the greatest topics we studied this year was the use of
examples. I recall one class period when all we did was watch a bunch of
commercials, and then at the end, had to figure out how they all related and
how each one related to a certain topic. We then had to find a bunch of
examples of different commercials to back up what our topic was.
I began to write my paper on determination used in commercials, I first began
to research different commercials that distilled the idea of determination.
Mostly sports commercials, I used these examples to expand on my thesis that
commercials use different athletes and products to determine the people
watching the commercial.
My dominant
impression paper is the paper that affected me the most this year. I wrote
about my friend Paul and his impact on my life. I found it easy to write about
a subject that I had so much of a background on. I have nearly spent my last
three years hanging out with him, and playing soccer with him. This paper
demonstrated the power of the use of examples. You can write a paper using a
bunch of general statements, but it will do nothing in grabbing the reader’s
attention. The use of examples in this paper really demonstrated to me how by
simply expanding upon certain topics, can make a boring topic interesting.
have seen a lot of improvement from my first paper to my last. It is hard to
compare certain pieces of writing from just this semester because we explored
with so many different forms. Some I found to have strengths in, and others I
found to have weakness in.
is no doubt that I grew in my writing skills as I finish up with college
composition. The two biggest areas that I grew in this year were the use of
creativity in writing, and the use of examples in all types of writing.
feel as though my creativity grew this year more than ever. I became more of an
individual writer with a deeper sense of different techniques to grab the reader’s
attention. One of the biggest ways I improved on my creativity was the use of
clever titles. The title is the first words the reader will read, and can ultimately
decide whether they read your piece or not. I was able to think of funny puns,
clever hooks, and bold titles.
may be my new strongest attribute when it comes down to writing a paper. I
realized how every form of literature uses examples no matter what. Commercials
use a ton of examples to sell their product, TV shows use flashbacks to expand
upon a point, and books use explode a moments to give examples of certain scenes.
All these different form of literature proved to me that you really have to
back up your thesis to prove your prove your point.
writing throughout college composition has thrived and expanded just by simply
learning all these somewhat basic topics and techniques. These new skills will
pay off as I enter college, and I can now take all these new learned skills and
apply them to my new stage in life.
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