Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blog #2: Introduction Techniques

Original Intro:
        In my original intro to my Dominant Impression paper, I tried to intrigue the writer by using description, and also by creating a scene in which most people can connect to. Most people throughout there life can point out specific people who have characterized who they are, and how they have shaped their life today. Soccer is what I grew up around, and Paul was a big part of that.
            Penfield soccer has been my upbringing. From the early morning practices in the summer, with sweat dripping down my face in the grueling sun, to the late fall practices wearing our red and white striped warm-ups, Penfield soccer could define who I am. The people surrounding soccer have also helped characterize who I am, and no one was more influential then Paul Lentine.
'Start with a Quatation'
          When Bob Marley said "Football is a part of I, when I play the world wakes up around me" , it really inspired me to make the most of the game of soccer. Meaning, soccer is a game that not only is played for the competition, but also makes you aware of what you have around you. Starting of playing Recreational soccer, I grew up idolizing the Penfield Soccer program. It demonstrated the dedication to the game, but at the same time recognized off the field awareness, that most people fail to acknowledge.

'A catalog of relevant examples or facts'
            In the past 14 years, Penfield soccer has claimed 6 sectional titles, and 3 State championships. These stats alone define what it means to play for Penfield soccer. My brother was fortunate enough to win a  state championship in 2004, and I won sectionals in 2010 as a sophmore. Soccer in my life has allowed me to distinguish my self from my peers, and excape from the chatoic world around me. Pretty much growing up in Penfield Soccer, the people I met along the way and on the field have influenced and determined where I am today.

'A proverb, maxim, or motto'
              "A thing of beauty is a Joy forever" says the English Proverb. Soccer to me a is a thing of beauty and for that I will never forget it. Paul Lentine is a big part of that. Always with a ball on my foot, soccer could define who I am from my younger years, through my Senior year. As I entered Varsity soccer, no one was more influential on me and the game of soccer than Paul Lentine who defines what it means to be a true sport.


  1. The introduction with the motto sets the tone the best allowing you to flow right along with the rest of your paragraph

  2. I personally liked the quotation because i gain interest from the quotation and how you tie it in with the love of soccer.

  3. I liked the introduction with the facs but it was a little impersonal. My favorite introduction was the one with the motto because it really shows how much you love soccer and I can tell exactly what you are going to write about.
